Takila Nicole Latham, a single mother of 3 affectionately known as Kila, Big Baby, and Twin transitioned to eternal life unexpectedly on 10/05/2023 due to her health failing. During her short time here on earth, Takila worked until the medical team concluded that due to her declining health, she wouldn't be able to continue to work those long and no sleepless hours at Mc'Donalds anymore, where she was a manager. During this very difficult time for the family, as they're grieving tremendously and have very limited financial resources to give Takila the proper burial, we are asking if anyone that knows our Kila could sacrifice any dollar amount to help offset some of the costs to give her a proper homegoing service. At this time no dollar amount is too small, it's greatly appreciated in advance and all donations will go directly to the Funeral director and the family will let everyone know when the service will take place as soon as it's all figured out financially. Thanks again in advance for the continuous/thoughts, prayers and financial support if you're able to assist. Takila did not have the necessary life insurance coverage needed to cover her/us at a time like this, when needed the most. PLEASE help us to give Takila her farewell homegoing service! You can donate directly to the funeral home by tapping the link attached.