Notification: This funeral fund has ended and can no longer accept donations.

In Loving Memory of Retired Sgt. Edward W. Bartholomy

7/25/1957 - 11/29/2024

$870  raised
This funeral fund has ended.
Cremation By Grandview
Maryville, TN

10 people have funded this funeral
Every donation helps fund this funeral!

This Funeral Fund has been shared 0 times
Every share helps!

Sgt. Edward William Bartholomy, has finally joined my Mom Heidi Bartholomy up in Valhalla . He passed over at 9:15pm on November the 29th 2024......He may have had his issues, but he was the coolest Dad a kid could ask for. They both taught us so much about how to be ourselves, love others & have a love for music that has no boundaries. Miss & Lovez ya Dadood. Glad I got to spend the last year reconnecting with you during our late night music listening sessions!! Rest well Soldier! Please help his family to honor his service, fatherhood and memory by assisting with cremation costs.
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Funeral Funders (10)
Candace S
Doug Akers
Daniel and Nikki Hennon
Jeremy and LaShawn
I am sorry for you and LisAnne's (and the kiddos) loss. We love you guys.
Hargis family
The Duck
Paul and Jennifer Curry