Notification: This funeral fund has ended and can no longer accept donations.

In Loving Memory of Michael Turney

5/5/1964 - 10/8/2024

$245  raised
This funeral fund has ended.
Johnson Brown Funeral Service
Norwood, OH

5 people have funded this funeral
Every donation helps fund this funeral!

This Funeral Fund has been shared 0 times
Every share helps!

We are sad to announce the passing of our dear Michael. He was a nice person who would keep you laughing all the time. He would do whatever he could to help anybody.
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Funeral Funders (5)
Sending prayers and comfort to you and your family.
Bernard and Gloria Wheeler
We offer our sincerest condolences during this time of bereavement. Weeping May endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Evelyn Miller
Be blessed in restful peace
Erica Long-Ellis