Notification: This funeral fund has ended and can no longer accept donations.

In Loving Memory of Marie Shuler and Jack Washington lll

$450  raised
This funeral fund has ended.
iCremation Funeral Service LLC

2 people have funded this funeral
Every donation helps fund this funeral!

This Funeral Fund has been shared 0 times
Every share helps!

Mother and Son
Jack was a loving uncle, cousin, friend, father figure, and mate who was always there for his family and friends. He loved sports, especially football (the Dallas Cowboys), and owning his own business. He will be remembered by all of the family and friends with whom he has ever come in the contact.

Marie was a loving wife, mother aunt cousin and friend. She loved people and life to no end. It was nothing for her to have a person smiling and laughing. She touched the lives of everyone around her. To those that knew her she was a diva and an Icon.

Both Marie and Jack will be missed. Those persons who Express interest in donating, we request that donations be made to the funeral home to defray cost.
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Funeral Funders (2)
Beth Marie Reifers
Oh, Marie and Jack! Shocked that you’re both gone but know that Willie and other family members are there greeting you with open arms! Deepest condolences to your family and friends left behind. Wish I could be there for your service but cannot. Prayers your way!
My Deepest Condolances 💔 to the entire Family. Jack was a friend & client of mine for many years. I met Jack in 1989, when he walked into the BEAUTY Shop I worked & ask me if I could do Jerry Curl. I said yes, and it's History since, until he decided to cut his hair. I missed Jack whole heartedly. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 RIP JACK.