In Loving Memory of Barbara Williams

2/21/1956 - 12/12/2024

$20  raised
of $7,500 goal

0.2666666666666666666666666700 % Complete
Integrity Funeral Service
Henryetta, OK

1 person has funded this funeral
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Today we lost our mother and we want to fulfil her wishes to be buried at Sonora Cemetery. We are asking our friends and family to help us with the cost of burial as mother wasn't covered by burial insurance.
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Funeral Funders (1)
Brandon Arnold
Never got to meet Barbara until here recently when she was sick Heather has told me wonderful things about her and lovable things about her she will be missed from all her family and friends I am so sorry for everybody's loss I would have loved to met her before but I know that she is in a better place now Heather is my fiance and she had talked about her Nana all the time